●Roses Bouquet

    *The displayed price doesn't include tax and shipping fee.

    ◎You can place your order by checking the desired products and entering the required fields at the bottom of the page.

    【24 Red Roses】¥13,250+tax

    【24 Pink Roses】¥13,250+tax

    【24 White Roses】¥13,250+tax

    【24 Mixed Roses】¥13,250+tax

    【12 Red Roses】¥6,250+tax

    【12 Pink Roses】¥6,250+tax

    【12 White Roses】¥6,250+tax

    【 Order details 】

    ・Delivery date *Required

    *Please note that if you place an order just before the delivery date, we may not be able to accommodate your desired delivery date and time.

    ・Delivery time *Required

    ●Sender information

    ・Sender name *Required

    ・Your email address *Required

    (Used for payment. We will send you a Credit Card payment email.)

    ●Recipient information

    ・Recipient name *Required

    ・Recipient Address *Required

    ・Recipient Phone number *Required

    ・Occasion *Required

    ・Card Message

    ・Image Report *Required

    *Once we have completed the flower shipping procedure, we will send you a picture of the flowers via a message on WhatsApp or LINE app.

    *Please message us on WhatsApp or LINE once.


